(i) Overcoming Revision & Exam Stress

Exams bring out the best in some people, and the worst in others.

Everybody's stress 'threshold' is different. A situation that is too much for one person to tolerate may be stimulating to another. Controlled at the right level, stress can work to your advantage, because it can help you to produce your peak performance

Manage stress, and make it work for you here

(ii) Developing Critical Thinking To Effectively Understand, & Answer Biology Questions

Critical thinking is the intellectually disciplined process of actively and skillfully conceptualizing, applying, analyzing, synthesizing, and/or evaluating information gathered from various sources, as a guide to belief and action.

In its exemplary form, it is based on universal intellectual values that expresses the following: clarity, accuracy, precision, consistency, relevance, sound evidence, good reasons, depth, breadth, and fairness.

This link discusses how we can develop critical thinking skills, and apply them during both practice and exam scenarios in answering Biology questions.

(iii) Strategies on Answering Essay-type Biology Examination Qns

The well-organized, neat-appearing individual will usually get the nod over another equally capable person who is disorganized and careless in appearance.

Although other factors are involved, the analogy to examination writing is a skill. This skill can be improved by instruction. The student would be advised to follow certain steps in writing an essay exam.

Harness the efficient and effective approach to answering Biology essays here