1. Price is quoted as nett fee per lesson, not per month

  2. Continual Engagement Offer (CEO):

Our Continual Engagement Offer (CEO) is also offered to all students to help them pay the lowest fee possible.

The Price Rate enjoyed by the student upon signing up at the respective Offer Periods, shall prevail throughout whole engagement period (including the subsequent years), and shall be superseded by any lower fee rate corresponding to a period as listed, when available.

Continual Engagement Offer shall prevail on condition where student have (1) lessons every succeeding calendar month, and (2) attends at least 3 lessons per calendar month. However, (1) and (2) need not be observed by the Student for any of the following reasons:

  • End-of-Year School Holidays

See CEO Fee Scenarios.

Situations in which CEO stipulation of 3 lessons per calendar month may be waived:

Student starts the first Individual or Group Lesson on or after the 7th of the calendar month

3. What is included in the price quote

  • Some tutors or centers charge students for additional elements, such as printing fee, and charge for answering every question over email. Be sure that all charges and pricing are elucidated and agreed upon, before you engage the tutor’s service.

  • Our prices are quoted as nett fee per lesson.

  • All students receive selected complementary softcopy and hardcopy material of quality related practice and assessment questions, answers, conceptual diagrams, and science articles printed by us, without additional charges.

  • Only commercially purchased material e.g. books are to be borne additionally by students.